Reports (M-Z)

M-K Environmental Youth Camps

This program ran from 1999 to 2009.

2009 Report
2009 Report (6.41 MB)
Posted Feb 4, 2022
2008 Report
2008 Report (1.86 MB)
Posted Feb 4, 2022
2007 Report
2007 Report (2.41 MB)
Posted Feb 4, 2022
2006 Report
2006 Report (3.01 MB)
Posted Feb 4, 2022



M-K Northern Rockies Interpretation Report
M-K Northern Rockies Interpretation Report (280 KB)
Posted Feb 4, 2022
Principles of Consultation - March 2002 - EBA Waberski
Principles of Consultation - March 2002 - EBA Waberski (642 KB)
Posted Feb 4, 2022
M-K Background - Critchley Essay - 2005
M-K Background - Critchley Essay - 2005 (567 KB)
Posted Feb 4, 2022
M-KMA Visual Guidelines - January 2007
M-KMA Visual Guidelines - January 2007 (2.52 MB)
Posted Feb 4, 2022
M-KMA Planning, Research Integration Project Report (2005)
M-KMA Planning, Research Integration Project Report (2005) (0.96 MB)
Posted Feb 4, 2022
Final Report MKMA Karst Caves with figures (785 KB)
Posted Feb 4, 2022
Ecosystem Classification Subalpine & Alpine (Madrone 2000)
Ecosystem Classification Subalpine & Alpine (Madrone 2000) (1.29 MB)
Posted Feb 4, 2022



M-K Northern Rockies Interpretation Report
M-K Northern Rockies Interpretation Report (5.12 MB)
Posted Feb 4, 2022
BC Resort Strategy Report
BC Resort Strategy Report (2.36 MB)
Posted Feb 4, 2022
Trail Markers Ministry TSA
Trail Markers Ministry TSA (166 KB)
Posted Feb 4, 2022
Ministry of TSA Trail Strategy BC
Ministry of TSA Trail Strategy BC (2.31 MB)
Posted Feb 4, 2022
Wilderness Host Program for M-KMA
Wilderness Host Program for M-KMA (1.2 MB)
Posted Feb 4, 2022
Challenges and Constraints Eco/Adventure Toursim (LGL 2013)
Challenges and Constraints Eco/Adventure Toursim (LGL 2013) (0.99 MB)
Posted Feb 4, 2022
Adventure Tourism Summary
Adventure Tourism Summary (363 KB)
Posted Feb 4, 2022
Redfern Trail Assessment (Chillborne 2007)
Redfern Trail Assessment (Chillborne 2007) (6.16 MB)
Posted Feb 4, 2022
Adventure Tourism Report June 9, 2014
Adventure Tourism Report June 9, 2014 (95 KB)
Posted Jun 9, 2014


Workshops hosted by M-KAB

Mining Joint Solutions (2006)
Mining Joint Solutions (2006) (152 KB)
Posted Feb 4, 2022
Retaining the Wilderness (2002)
Retaining the Wilderness (2002) (649 KB)
Posted Feb 4, 2022
Incorporating First Nations Values (2000)
Incorporating First Nations Values (2000) (4.23 MB)
Posted Feb 4, 2022


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Email the MKAB Secretariat

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Quick Facts

The M-KMA includes Parks and Protected Areas where resource extraction is prohibited, and management zones where resource extraction may occur, according to higher standards than elsewhere in the province (e.g. best management practices for oil and gas development).