WELCOME to the
MUSKWA-KECHIKA Management Area!

The Muskwa-Kechika Management Area (M-KMA), situated in northern British Columbia, Canada and was designated in legislation (M-KMA Act and Regulation) in 1998.  It is a globally significant area of wilderness, wildlife, ecosystems and cultures, that must be maintained in perpetuity.  World class integrated resource management decision-making must be practiced ensuring that resource development and other human activities take place in harmony with wilderness quality, wildlife and the dynamic ecosystems upon which they depend.

Management direction for industrial activities within the M-KMA differs from management direction for industrial activities outside of the "M-KMA. Within the M-KMA, the emphasis of management direction is to maintain in perpetuity the wilderness quality, the diversity and abundance of wildlife and ecosystems upon which it depends while allowing resource development.  Outsie of the M-KMA, the reverse is often the case i.e. management direction is to maintain resource development opportunities to sustain the economic base of communities while maintaining high outdoor recreation, wilderness, wildlife, and biodiversity values for future generations.

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Recent News

Honouring Phil Zacharatos
Honouring Phil Zacharatos
FEB 14, 2024
Premier Report - 2021
JAN 28, 2022

New interactive report to the Premier from the M-KAB.

CBC TV profiles M-KMA - 2021
SEP 10, 2021

Watch “In the Land of Dreamers” on CBC Gems.

Muskwa-Kechika Quick Facts


Translated, Muskwa means Bear and
Kechika (Ketchika - Táhdáséh) means long inclining river



The M-KMA lies in the traditional territories of the Kaska Dena, Treaty 8 and Carrier-Sekani. The following are First Nations Communities found within or adjacent to the M-KMA.


Kaska Dena First Nations: Daylu Dena Council, Dease River First Nation, Kwadacha First Nation, Liard River First Nation.


Carrier-Sekani: Tsay Keh (say-kay) Dene.


Treaty 8 First Nations: Blueberry First Nation, Fort Nelson First Nation, Halfway River First Nation, Prophet River First Nation