Appointed by the Premier of British Columbia, the Muskwa-Kechika Advisory Board (M-KAB) is mandated with advising government on natural resource management in the Muskwa-Kechika Management Area (M-KMA) to ensure that activities within the area are consistent with the objectives of the Muskwa-Kechika Management Plan. Advisory Board members provide their services voluntarily and without remuneration except for travel expenses while undertaking Advisory Board business and attending Advisory Board meetings.
Advisory Board Members met with Minister Randene Neill, and Deputy Minister Lori Halls, Minister of Land, Water and Resource Stewardship on February 19, 2025.
Wayne Sawchuk (right) and Barry Holland (top left of meeting screen) with retirement gifts of framed photos from the M-KMA, for their long term board membership and dedication to the M-KAB.
The members of the Advisory Board represent the interests of the M-KMA and the perspectives of their respective constituencies.
The Advisory Board must prepare an annual report (check our resource library section to view past and current reports) to the Premier and the Public outlining its funding expenditures, submitting its advice to government, and reporting on Board and Committee work.
M-KMA Vision (established by the M-KAB)
"The Muskwa Kechika Management Area is a globally significant area of wilderness, wildlife and cultures, to be maintained in perpetuity, where world class integrated resource management decision-making is practiced ensuring that resource development and other human activities take place in harmony with wilderness quality, wildlife and the dynamic ecosystems on which they depend"
M-KAB members reflect a diversity of perspectives which may include:
- First Nations
- oil and gas
- local government
- conservation
- forestry
- commercial recreation
- labour
- mining
- wilderness tourism
- trapping
- guide outfitting
- alternative energy
The Advisory Board meets at least once per year in locations such as Prince George, Fort St John, or Victoria, BC. The general public is invited to attend portions of these meetings. In part, the intent is to conduct semi-annual reviews of activities and review strategic plans to ensure that the intent of the M-KMA is upheld. M-KAB meetings work to accomplish the following:
- Review information and new developments within the M-KMA;
- Develop recommendations and/or advice for government for anticipated resource development in the MKMA;
- Provide the public with an opportunity to learn more about the M-KMA, the M-KAB and table enquiries with the Advisory Board;
- Government agencies and other organisations update Board members and others with the full perspective of planning and activities occurring within the M-KMA; and
- Engage stakeholders and have presentations on issues and concerns affecting the M-KMA.
Executive Committee
The Executive Committee has 5 members, led by the M-KAB Chair, who is appointed by the Premier of BC, along with 4 with elected members, one of whom is appointed as Vice Chair. The Executive Committee meets monthly by teleconference to undertake and track Advisory Board business between the Advisory Board meeting(s).
Advisory Board Working Groups
When specific initiatives arise that are not in the realm of the Executive committee, an ad hoc Working Group is created to work on the initiative and to provide recommendations to the Executive and Advisory Board for a consensus based decision.
Currently there are 7 established Working Groups:
- Strategic Directions and Operational Business Planning Working Group is to describe the priorties/focus of the Board and its working groups for fiscal 2023/24 to fiscal 25/26. They will also update the Board's Strategic Direction and Operational Business Plan based on the Board approved priorities/focus;
- Indigenous Relations Working Group is tasked with developing an action plan to improve the working relationship between First Nations and the Advisory Board with respect to the stewardship and management of the MKMA;
- Public Outreach and Communications Working Group is to champion an engagement and communications strategy with the Government and its relevant ministries;
- Board Membership and Composition Working Group is developing a set of guidelines to assist with selecting appointments and reappointments with the goal of achieving a Board membership that is a balanced cross-section of the natural resource sector including Indigenous Peoples and other communities with interests in the management of the M-KMA;
- Planning Working Group is tasked with providing recommendations and advice to Government ministry officials as forest operation plans are submitted for review and approval;
- UNBC-M-KMA Collaborative Partnership Working Group;
- Wildlife Management Working Group.
Advisory Board
Quick Facts
Muskwa-Kechika is pronounced 'musk-quah-ke-chee-kah'