Board Members
Barry Holland

Barry Holland

Barry has resided in the North Peace for over 50 years. He represented the BC Wildlife Federation at the Fort St John Land and Resource Management Planning Table and on the Oil and Gas pre-tenure planning for the Besa-Prophet Oil and Gas Pre-Tenure plan.

During these years he has hunted and recreated in the Muskwa-Kechika Management area by backpacking, on horseback or flying his airplane. His sons and grandchildren have  grown up travelling on horseback and hunting in the Muskwa-kechika.

He strongly believes in the mission of the BC Wildlife Federation to protect, enhance and promote the wise use of the environment for present and future generations, to advocate for science-based fish and wildlife conservation and management and to defend access to public resources.

His work history in northern BC includes 14 years of regulatory compliance in the oil and gas industry with predecessor of the Oil and Gas Commission and 22 years as an Occupational Safety Officer with Worksafe BC as an Oil Field Specialist.    

PREVIOUS Sean Olmstead
NEXT Jeff Richert


Advisory Board

Quick Facts

Muskwa-Kechika is pronounced 'musk-quah-ke-chee-kah'