Board Members
Ruby Johnny

Ruby Johnny

Ruby Johnny is a Kaska Dena and member of the Dease River First Nation within the Kaska Traditional territory.  Her traditional name is destl’ede which means squirrel and was given to her by her late grandma Magdalene Johnny. She was also born out on the Land at French Creek, BC.

But above all she is a grandma to 4 grandbabies that she takes out on the land during all seasons to explore the mountains, lakes, and rivers within the Kaska Territory whether camping, boating, hiking, sledding or just spending the day out on the land.  She loves teaching them the traditions she was taught when she was growing up.

She has worked for a number of organizations such as Yinka Dena Language Institute, LFN’s Dena Keh Justice Program, Peoples Haven Society, and Dease River First Nations.  She was also elected to KDC Vice Chair of Finance, Chief of DRFN for 4 years and presently KDC Vice Chair of Lands and Resources. 

Ruby has sat on many Organization’s Boards such as Watson Lake School Board, Help & Hope, KDC BOD, Dease River Development Corp, Muskwa-Kechika Advisory Board and did a lot of fund raising, organizing and volunteer work for Children & Elders events, Culture Camps, traditional hand games, General Assembles, and participated and organized numerous events. 

She believes that to be successful in life, there has to be balance in today’s thinking and in our past teachings we grew up with. She believes in being honest, trustworthy and accountable in her job and in her life. 

She believes in protecting the land to day and for the future use for all to enjoy in the beauty that’s before us. 

NEXT Wayne Sawchuk


Advisory Board

Quick Facts

Muskwa-Kechika is pronounced 'musk-quah-ke-chee-kah'